Tuesday, July 7, 2009

For clear talk, it’s Barbara Rodgers

For decades, she has been talking to you; now it’s your turn to talk back to her.

Barbara Rodgers, one of the Bay Area’s most talented television reporters and anchors, and a sparkling presence at KPIX (CBS5) for almost 30 years, is launching a career in talk radio. Starting tomorrow, she will bring that same level of excellence to a facet of the electronic media that frankly, could use a big, healthy dose of her class and dignity. 

Barbara Rodgers
 Barbara’s new radio program will launch Saturday afternoon, July 18, airing from noon to two o’clock on KKGN Green 960 AM Radio. She is entering a crowded field of over 100 Bay Area HD and Internet radio stations. But rising above the cacophony of voices, choices and chatter, Barbara Rodgers’ unique character, charm and charisma will attract a discerning audience to discuss the issues of the day.

Barbara says she believes there are listeners who want to hear high-profile guests, from all walks of life, engaging callers in serious, moderated discussions. “This radio program will allow me to actually talk to my listeners and hear their opinions—in real time”.

The radio talk-show hosts we hear most about are the provocateurs: those edgy wall-slammers who spew insults or push the mute button whenever someone with a dissenting opinion dares to infiltrate their call-in lines.

One of the most notorious of these programs originates in the Bay Area. The host of that show is reported to have made an alarming remark on a recent syndicated broadcast. Referring to a group of undocumented college students who had started a hunger strike, hoping to pressure legislators to allow them sanctuary in the US, this host said,
“I would say, let them fast until they starve to death then that solves the problem. Because then we won’t have a problem about giving them green cards because they’re illegal aliens, they don’t belong here to begin with.”
Well, in my opinion, this represents the lowest level of dialogue that talk radio can provide, but we can be sure that “Live from San Francisco, It’s Barbara Rodgers” will offer a viable, high-road alternative. So why has there been so very little promotion of the show? Well, I feel it’s vitally important that the Bay Area support its own, so I want to make sfgate.com readers aware of this newest addition to the diversity of discourse on our radio airwaves.
Years ago, I saw a film about the life of a successful “shock jock” who, when threatened by a listener with a gun, told him: “Man, don’t take this stuff too seriously. I’m just trying to earn a living.” 

But many people do take “this stuff” seriously, that is why it’s good to know that Barbara will be on the air tomorrow and every Saturday. Her new program will focus on current events, some serious issues and some other topics, just for fun. She will certainly need your participation and your phone calls, so call in live and join the conversation!

“Live from San Francisco, It’s Barbara Rodgers” airs Saturdays between noon and two pm on KKGN Green 960 AM Radio. Call-in LIVE: 1-866-960-5753.

This post originally appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle’s online edition The Gate on July 24, 2009.

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